you finally made the decision. You're
gonna go ahead and build your very own HO
scale dragstrip. I, too, just recently
made this decision, and found it can be a
very inexpensive investment if you are
only racing on a "GrassRoots"
level. The following pages also apply to
making a competition drag track, as you
will see. Now on to design...
you must make a major choice, even though
it can be changed later and even after
the track is complete and running. You
must pick what scale length the track is
to be. You have two major choices:
A 1/4
mile track is 20.625' (247.5") long.
This is a good track for those who are
interested in a fully scale track, a
second drag track, or a full on
competition 'strip. For the first timer
or the person with not so much
room/funding (like me) a 1/8 mile track
is in order. It is 10.312' (123.75")
long. Other lengths can be used, but i
would not reccomend anything under 8' or
over 30'.
This is
my general wiring diagram, this one
applies to those of us going the
"GrassRoots" way and using an
HO scale train power supply to power our
track. I am also using homemade
controllers that only use 2 leads. The
same would apply to those of you going
the "official" way, but a
seperate 28 volt/~8 amp per lane. This is
easy to figure out from my diagram. Now
that you have the track designed, you can
proceed to the supplies